I had my item all picked out, an old toy that I have become very attached to, yes it had always been there for me in the lonely nights, like an old friend. But it does have it's bad points, which is why I thought it would be easy to throw out, even though I 'do' like it.
I even made a pros and cons list of throwing it out:
....when I'm lonely I won't have it.
It will take a some time to get a new one.
Not sure if the other toys will be 'powerful' enough to take it's place.
New means new options!
No more cord!
.....pretty new colors?
Either way I know I will end up getting a new one, maybe that's not the point of this exercise but it's the truth, and I have moved and gotten rid of a huge chunk of my life so maybe that will allot me some wiggle room with this one.
I think it's to help us realize that it's just stuff, have you ever noticed how much we care about 'stuff?' Really look at mean and women now, were all about getting the newest TV, game, game system, new computer, clothes, movies, more, more, more. It never stops, we grab at all this stuff and we keep wanting more and more!
I mean no joke I am sitting here, got my lab top on, we have the desktop next to me, my husband is playing his new game on his PS3 and flat screen and I am listening to my ipod while this is all going on. That is a lot of stuff in one room, and I just named off all the electronics.
But it's so hard to get away from all the stuff, I'm told that we use the stuff to fill the a hole that can only be filled with by God, but how do you fill it? I've read the bible, and I've prayed, I've gone to church, I feel like I'm missing an essential key to get all of that. I have some very close christian friends and some very close none-christian friends that are still very religious, they all have this thing like they're in the loop, they get it and they're happy, I almost feel like it's a show and they're just pretending but I know different.
There's a good chance that there isn't anymore room for anything like God because my own selfish desires are taking up too much space to let God in, so what can you do but try and get rid of the selfishness? I've been trying, trying to be less materialistic and more just happy with what I have but there's so much out there!!
I swear I don't have a shopping addiction I can tell myself 'no' and I can get rid of things when it comes time (like now), but it doesn't stop me from endlessly wanting! Which is the real problem.
I want to stop wanting stuff, I want to just be happy with what I have, you'd think that would be easy right?
Well I guess the first step is getting rid of something I don't need, and might even be holding me back, I might not even get a new one now that I am thinking about it, I mean I'm alright with out it.
I highly suggest taking part in some of these daily tasks, this one I would invite you particularly.
Farewell dear toy you lit my world on the lonely night with joy and comforted sleep!
Lol were you thinking it was something naughty?
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